Bible Study: Am I Perfect Lord?

By: Evangelist W.C. “Dub” Dellinger - Age 92

Why are so many Preachers afraid to talk about the word Perfect? There can only be a couple of excuses for it.

1. Not knowing the Bible is one and...

2. Paying more attention to their denomination than the souls of the congregation is another....

and they will use the flesh which never has been crucified by the Saviour as an excuse to sin. If you listen to the flesh, your biggest Enemy, you are in big trouble to start with. Your flesh can slay you, and put your soul in Hell, but only if you listen to it. Why do you think that our Living God gave us a Conscious Mind to work things out, and nerves in our body to feel with, and a SOUL that can not be destroyed. It too can suffer punishment. Lies is of the Flesh and the first thing that the flesh uses in most persons at a very young age, even when they are not old enough to be accounted to as sin. Maybe you have never given it a thought, but this is how the enemy of your soul creeps up on you and you have to, sometime in life, see this or come to a reality to what He, the Devil is in control of your life, and you have to ask a true and Living GOD to get you away from HIM.

There is no way you can do it yourself. You can try, say I am going to do better and soon that wears out. You or I, the writer, is no match for the Devil and never can be. Only Jesus as Lord and Saviour has This Power.

When we see what is going to happen to our Soul at death, then we want to do something about the condition that we are in, sometime our body too. Only a true Saviour who went to the cross and paid the price with his shed blood for you as a sinner can clear things up and make you PERFECT, IN HIS SIGHT.

Anytime you cross over He is your Advocate to call on, always ready to forgive when it comes from the heart. Read 1st John 2:1.

You can’t practice SIN and expect to get to Heaven. Don’t fool around with your SOUL as some do with this Eternal Security Junk, as preached.

It is simple, with a True and Living GOD, you live the life He expects out of you. Just keep in mind as you trust in Junk Preaching, that you can’t take one Sin into Heaven. You can be fooled, and you can fool others. You can not fool an all Knowing GOD at any time. Stay cleaned up with your SOUL and prayed up with your Saviour and you are Perfect in your Saviours Sight.

Toothaches, Headaches, Mistakes with the body that God can and Will overlook, Known Sin, That is held against you. Even if you know to do good and you don’t carry it out, it is a Sin.

Let’s be aware that in an Authentic Bible THIRTY THREE Books of it uses the word Perfect. Just stop and think that is Exactly one half of a real Holy Ghost Bible.

So we find out that Perfect is walking in all the knowledge of Christ that we have, and that is all our LORD expects our of us, and that is living Perfect in His sight.

Our Saviour never expects more out of His children than they can Testify too. Through our Testimony, we get Salvation, and in Salvation we have Life Eternal with GOD and SON.