Bible Study: And A Great Number Believed In The Lord...

By: Evangelist W.C. “Dub” Dellinger - Age 92

 This is what the Lord looks for today. Read Acts 11:18. There are times when the Holy Word is preached in Holiness, not just some mans opinion.When the Lord put His Interpretation in the Right Bible, A BIBLE where men risk their own lives to GIVE IT TO US AND WE CAN GO HOME WITH THEM TO HEAVEN, and live in Holy Comfort, not sinning everyday, as some try to Teach and Do live it themselves.

Only when you intentionally Sin, are you Held Responsible. Honest mistakes can happen, and an all-knowing Saviour Knows the Difference, and so does His Servant.

If you have been Reborn, you Have the Gift of Your Saviour.

The Spirit of God lies to no one. If you are one who can testify of a truth that you are a reborn Child of the Saviour, study the Second Book of ACTS. Read Chapter 12:28 and the follow up in 29:30. This shows Christians of today what to do.

As I write this, I heard on the radio that children die of starvation. One dies of hunger for each breath another takes. That shook me up an I went and took 12 cans of food to the hungry, through the CHURCH. You can always find some way to help if you want to. Whatever you do, DO IT IN HIS NAME, and I can assure some good will come of it.