Bible Study: Glory, Glory, and Glory!

By: Evangelist W.C. “Dub” Dellinger

Once as the church began to feel the spirit of the Lord, I asked a lady sitting close by, “what if someone were to shout?” She said “I will leave this church”. Something turned the tables. I was in another church and as the Spirit left some of us talked about hearing it leave at that time. We are supposed to give glory out loud to the Lord some way. I have seen older ones clap their hands. I saw my son, when he was very small, say amen. I asked him why he said amen. He replied that Preacher Lovelace said amen. I did not scold him, but I did talk to him. Did he do it again? Yes, and more in order. Since many like to use the word glory, I looked up the word glory. I have heard many use the word Glory, well Glory. And you could feel the spirit move in the church. I was surprised to find out that in a good red letter KJ Bible, you can find the word glory in 48 books of good bibles, and some more than once. Read Exodus 24:17: “And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.”
The word glory, when it comes from a loving soul, is as great a praise as anyone can give to an all-loving Saviour. Remember how this all starts, you have to get rid of your sins and stay free of them. Not just a sinner saved by grace and still sinning everyday. That is as false as anyone can preach or teach and it will not get you to Heaven. You have to have the Holy Saviour in you to go to Heaven. That is why Paul wrote without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord. Holiness took Jesus as Saviour up out of the grave, and the same has to be with you and the writer. Heavenly bodies are Holy and that was before they got there. Most preachers are afraid to preach that now because it will convict themselves. The Lord has to show you the right way.