Bible Study: You Can Never Grow Into Christianity!

By: Evangelist W.C. “Dub” Dellinger - Age 92

There is a misbelief that you can go to church, do work in the church, associate with Christian people, pay into the church, and be baptized into the church. That is a miss belief that has grown into the true church in the last hundred years. I am of the opinion, it is because we are turning out educated people who are not saved themselves. There is NO substitute for the experience of being Born Again, as OUR LORD TOLD NICODEMUS in John 3:3 – Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he can not see the kingdom of GOD. It must be Our Lords’ way or it is no good.

In my 62 years of living a Christian Life, I have come across many excuses: Going to do better, I quit drinking, I don’t curse anymore, and my husband has changed, he is real good to me now.

I grew up with (DO’S and DON’TS. I lived this life until September, 1947. I was in church in six different countries everytime I got a chance to go. I was brought up and taught to go to church. At age 29, MY LORD GLORIOUSLY SAVED ME. The  TRUTH is, I have never been the SAME PERSON since that Sunday morning. Let me say this, I have heard people say, I don’t know whether or not I am saved. If you are saved, you will know it. It is possible to forget the date, BUT not the experience.

If you are a Christian, as I have heard some say and they don’t know it, THEN YOU COULD LOSE IT AND NEVER KNOW YOU LOST IT. Simple, isn’t it, with a true and loving Lord.

Now some preachers say, YOU are BEING saved over and over. You are being saved. They even write that in the Sunday School Literature and because the students don’t hear any difference from the pulpit, they think that is true.

Then they come up with, we are all Christians because we are Protestants, (TRUE, WE ARE OUT OF THE FIRST CHURCH), and others say the same about their organization. Just a big group of people trying to make it to Heaven on the Good Life. I say again, you can never grow into Christianity. If you are a person that I have mentioned, be honest with the Lord and come clean with the facts. If you are sincere from the heart, Our Lord listens to you. Don’t give up until you have the experience of being saved now and confess what He has done for YOU to others. TO GET SALVATION AND DON’T FORGET ONLY IN SALVATION, DO YOU GET RESURRECTION POWER!