Blessing Of The Animals... an A Fair Of Fur

What:  2nd Annual Blessing of the Animals
When: October 2, 2011  7PM
Where: Court Square, Shelby
Contact:  Alison Guess Still 704-435-6699
Honorary & Memorial Luminaries  - $5 each
Sponsored by:  Association for the Welfare of Animals,P.O. Box 564, Shelby, NC  28151
Service by:  Pastor Roy Byers
For more information:  704-487-6555 or
 Blessing of the Animals is on the first Sunday of October annually, and is recognized worldwide.  Please be a part of this opportunity to give thanks for the animals that are, or have been a part of your life.  Bring your pet and join Association for the Welfare of Animals on the Court Square in Shelby on October 2 at 7PM for this local ceremony dedicated to blessing the animals in our world and in our lives.  Pastor Roy Byers of Bethlehem/Bess Chapel United Methodist Churches will deliver the service, and will bestow a hands-on blessing upon pet owners’ request.  (For the safety of all, your pet should be contained or on a leash at all times, and current on all vaccines.)
 Last year, AWA recognized many animals with which we have had contact, among them, Coco.  Though more than 2 years have passed since the horrific abuse of Coco, there has been no arrest.  If we continue to do nothing, tragedies such as Coco’s death will continue without repercussion.  Make a statement.  Refuse to forget.  Take a stand.  In doing so, even in her death, Coco will continue to help other helpless victims...and so will you.
All animals are precious and we know that.  Help us show others.  Light a luminary in memory or honor of a beloved pet, and help us set Shelby aglow with the light of compassion.
 This year, in conjunction with Blessing of the Animals, AWA intends to showcase animals for adoption in A Fair of Fur.  We have placed many animals in loving homes over the years, but there are always more.  As long as intact animals are allowed to run at will, litters of unwanted puppies and kittens will continue to be born; they will continue to need rescuing; and they will continue to need homes.  Please spay and neuter, and encourage others to as well.  And...come see some precious animals needing homes now! See you on the Square!