Burns FFA! Hoping To Reach Their Goal

MA Andrews

Burns FFA! Hoping To Reach Their Goal

Burns students washed cars out back of Applebees.

Burns students kicked off a fundraiser BBQ Dinner at Burns High School recently to help sponsor their trip to Malawi, Africa, working with Hands On Missions. On June 5th students were hosting and serving Flapjacks inside Applebees in Shelby. Behind Applebees others were washing cars. It was quite an enthusiastic and spirited student group, dedicated to achieving their FFA goal of $25,000. So far their efforts have produced $19,000. To cover the cost of the students going, $6,000 more is needed. Burns FFA students plan to be in Malawi from July 25th to August 7. Time is running out. If you can help in anyway for this caring and worthwhile project, send contributions to: Luke Beam, Burns FFA, Burns High School, 307 East Stagecoach Trail, Lawndale, NC 28090. Please make checks out to:  Burns ISEE PROJECT.