CCC Receives Grant

CCC Receives Grant
The 7x24 Exchange Carolinas Chapter recently presented $5,000 to three North Carolina community colleges, including Cleveland Community College.  On the same day, CCC and its partner colleges received over $23 million for the development of Mission Critical Operations programs through a grant through the U.S. Department of Labor.  The 7x24 Exchange Grant, totaling $15,000, will support marketing and recruitment efforts of the new program.
The growth of Mission Critical Data Centers in the Mid-Atlantic region has created increased demand for operations personnel to maintain the dependability, reliability, and energy efficiency of such facilities.  In response to that demand, 7x24 Exchange International’s Carolinas Chapter, the leading knowledge exchange for those who design, build, use and maintain mission-critical enterprise information infrastructures, agreed to support a consortium of higher education institutions, led by Cleveland Community College, that agreed to develop, equip, staff and scale curriculum programs to train and educate the workforce needed for these large data companies and users.
“The Mission Critical Operations skill train has arrived at the station. Those departing (retiring) are taking with them decades of formal and on-job-training skills. Yet, the individual skill sets of those waiting to embark are significantly less than is required by the Mission Critical Industry,” said Paul Marcoux, Senior Vice President of BB&T and the chapter’s Education Chair. “Mission Critical is not just about data centers, it’s about the thousands of people behind the scenes keeping critical support functions operating, 24-7, 365 days a year, including hospitals, critical manufacturing process, 911 call centers, bio manufacturing and hundreds of other critical industries, all facing the same skill shortage.”
According to CCC President Dr. L. Steve Thornburg, “These funds will help us get the word out about the Mission Critical Industry and the programs we are developing to put people to work in that industry. We are thankful to the 7x24 Exchange for partnering with Cleveland Community College.”
President of the Chapter, Tom Jacobik, Global Operations Manager at Apple, and Paul Marcoux, Senior Vice President of BB&T, presented a $15,000 check to Dr. L. Steve Thornburg, President of Cleveland Community College; Dr. Bill Carver, President of Nash Community College; Dr. Steve Scott, President of Wake Technical Community College, and N.C. Community College System President, Dr. Scott Ralls.
Pictured, l-r: David Knight, 7x24 Carolinas Membership Chairman; Dr. Steve Thornburg, President of Cleveland Community College; Dr. Scott Ralls, NC Community College System President; Paul Marcoux, 7x24 Carolinas Education Committee Chairman; Tom Jacobik, 7x24 Carolinas President; Robin Aron, 7x24 Carolinas Advisor.