Choice Bus Visits Shelby!

M.A. Andrews

Choice Bus Visits Shelby!

Executive Director, Phil Christian of the Mattie C. Stewart Foundation next to the "Choice Bus".
The Mattie C. Stewart Foundation "Choice Bus" came to town this past Tuesday. It was at the Dover Foundation and a part of the Communities In Schools program. The total concentration is a dropout prevention program for students. The "Choice Bus" is one of two now in operation. A third bus will soon join the program. It is a traveling, very graphic program of what the consequences can be for students who drop out of school. Most dropouts end up in jail. Out of 75% of drop outs, 80% can't read or write. Their income is also $10,000 a year  less than those who graduate. In a lifetime, the drop out will earn a million dollars less than those who stay in school. Education is the key to success in life and a good future. The "Choice Bus" presents a film mostly containing inmates from prison and it also has a real jail cell. The 20 minute presentation is a definite "wake up" call for students.