Communities In Schools Reaching Out...

M.A. Andrews

Communities In Schools Reaching Out...

Phillis White, Communities In Schools Executive Director
 What, you ask, is Communities In Schools? Who are they and what do they do? If you don’t already know, the answer should please you and definitely make you proud. You’ll also want to be a part of this organization.
Communities In Schools is a program which not only needs you, but also is such an important part of your life. It effects your present day mode of living as well as your future. It’s all about keeping the heartbeat of the community in school, because the heartbeat of any community is its’ children.
The program is twofold. First and foremost, it does everything to keep kids in school and see them not only graduate high school, but graduate on time and help them to have choices such as: college, military, technical school or to be prepared for a career. It opens doors for them and lets them know that, they too, have a future - a good future. The dedication of the program is to mentor “that particular student” and not only guide but to make sure that “the mission is accomplished”. This dropout prevention program serves 1.3 million students in 25 states and Washington, D. C. It works! The passionate professionals empower students to stay in school and achieve in life!  Locally, Communities In Schools partners with Cleveland County Schools and 280 other community-wide resources to help meet the needs of students across the county.
The second is reaching out to the community seeking help. Full time or part time volunteers are constantly needed to partner with Communities In Schools to help in any way you can. It’s a great way to give back to the community and the rewards are endless. With your help, a student will stay in school, graduate, and go on in continuing education. From a young woman or man who was thinking “I don’t have a chance so why even try” to, “Look out world, here I come and I can do anything.” That, is how much of a difference you can make by becoming a part of this great organization.
Once exposed to Communities In Schools, you will find such commitment, such enthusiasm surrounding you by the staff, that you’ll wonder “why I haven’t done this before.”  Yes, it’s that addictive.
To use a present day phrase, it’s a “win-win situation”:  the student wins, you are rewarded, and the community gains another person who can contribute and give back. It strengthens the community because “without the input of our youth we lose our future”.
Recently, the new Executive Director, Phillis G. White, brought on board, Meranda Hendrick, who is now the Communities In Schools Resource Development Coordinator. Her mission is to achieve more awareness in the community and recruit as many as she can to help mentor. Ms. Hendrick brings yet another level of enthusiasm and conviction to the program. She works with the 16 different site coordinators at area schools. She is also proud that the promotion rate of the program is 96%. However, Meranda Hendrick wants 100%. For contact information, you can reach Meranda at: 704-480-5570 or email her at: cisinvestinsuccess@ Go ahead, give her a call and offer her your help.
Phillis White has been with the program for 18 years. She was recently appointed Executive Director and will tell you: “I love this organization . . . I love what we do . . . I get rewarded every day.”  To continue to achieve and keep the kids in school mentors are needed. Phillis states: “We can use people as a lunch buddy, which only requires that you visit a student at school and have lunch with them just once a week. We also have mentors and tutors that work with students during the school day and at the after school sponsored programs.”  Regardless of how much time you have and whatever your age, there is a place for you in Communities In Schools. Your help is never demanding, just very rewarding. Perhaps it is because you give of yourself and let a student know that: “There truly is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
A framed picture on the wall at the offices perhaps best describes the Communities In Schools mission. Three children sitting on top of the world and are looking into the future. Above them it reads: “All the world’s children have the right to be loved, to be nurtured, and to reach for a dream.” You, yes you can be a part of their dream!