Cross Words: Final Serve

Richard Prow ~

 A few years back, the movie ‘The Bucket List’ grabbed most everyone’s attention. It starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as older gentlemen who had both just discovered they had a short time to live. Instead of spending their last days wallowing in self pity and frustration, they each put together a list of things they had always wanted to accomplish. With a new found courage and sense of freedom, they completed their ‘to do list’ before breathing their last breath.

If you found out you had only a year, or couple of months, or only a few days left to live, what would be on the top of your priority list? Visiting some exotic location you’ve seen in a magazine or on television certainly would be a first pick for most.  Parachuting from an airplane may come to mind, especially if you were only given a few days. Spending time with family and friends would surely be on everyone’s hearts. Rekindling some old friendships may just make your list. Maxing out your credit cards is a given.

Knowing His death was literally hours away, Jesus spent His remaining time scrubbing the feet of 12 of His closest followers (John 13). Even Judas left the table with fresh smelling toes on His way to offer up Christ to those who would crucify Him. Christ’s next to last act on behalf of men was not surprising however. From beginning to end, His life was that of a selfless servant. From healing the sick, to raising the dead, to dying for men’s sins, He set an example for all of us. Jesus gave an overview of His autobiography when He declared that “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). 

A good friend told me once that the only things we can take with us when we die is what we’ve given away. Our time, our talents, and our hearts. In other words, start filling up other people’s buckets rather than our own. And since no one is promised tomorrow (Prov. 27:1), today would be a good day to start.