Cross Words: Looking Ahead

Richard Prow ~

The holidays have come and gone. The decorations went up and have found their place back in the attic. My children were home and now there not. It seems the only thing that lingers after the holidays is a few extra pounds.
I miss the holiday season for many reasons but mostly because I miss my children. The last one left for college this year and things still don’t seem quite right. I miss their love and their laughter. I miss the closeness that can only be had from someone who inherited your genes. I miss the kindred spirit that we share together. I miss knowing that they are safe under my roof.
As soon as the holidays are over I begin thinking about spring break, and summer vacation, and well, about the holidays next year. I think about seeing my children again.
Of course I still have our memories that we’ve shared to keep me going. Pictures of our past adorn just about every room in our home. I can still visualize every facial feature. I’ve been memorizing them for it seems a lifetime. Most of all I have our reunions with which to look forward. Yeah, April will be here soon.
As a father I miss my children. As a believer I miss my Father. I met Him 14 years ago. Not in a physical sense mind you, but in a spiritual one. We share the same Spirit. We share the same thoughts - as long as I’m keeping up my end of the bargain anyway. He knows every detail about me - physically, emotionally, spiritually. He understands my complexities much better than I and He loves me just the same. We are bonded because I am His child and He is my Father.
What keeps me going in this crazy life are the memories I have shared with my Heavenly Father. While not all written down they are forever forged into my mind. I look forward to seeing what He looks like, not physically mind you but spiritually. What does pure love look like anyway? Mostly I’m sustained by thinking about going home; never to leave again.
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John: 14:3).