Cross Words: Service Plan

Richard Prow ~

 The last time I updated my cell phone plan I signed up for 1200 minutes per month. I had run over my allowance on my old plan, costing me a small fortune, and I didn’t want that to happen again. It hasn’t. In addition to my increase in minutes as well as receiving no charge in minutes for my 10 most frequently dialed numbers, I found myself now wasting about 800 minutes each month. Until now anyway.

I decided this past week not to waste all those unused minutes anymore. I started calling people I’ve lost track of over the past few months. I began taking the time to check on people who I know are struggling either physically, financially or spiritually. I’ve used those spare minutes praying for and encouraging those who God has put in my path or in this case on the other end of the line. I have also come to realize a few things since this latest epiphany of mine.

First, I’ve wasted too many minutes and passed up too many opportunities to minister to people in the past.  We think we don’t have the time, but God can accomplish quite a bit through a brief phone call. Second, people want to be ministered to. People all around us are hurting and they simply need sometimes only to know that someone cares about them and is praying for them. Third, I’ve felt more self-fulfilled by spending my time directed towards someone else. We have less time to worry and fret over our own circumstances when we are engaged in the circumstances of others.

I don’t want to leave any more “minutes” left on the table. I want to do a better job of utilizing every second and every opportunity God has allowed me. Jesus summed up the Ten Commandments by telling us to love God and love our fellow man (Matt.  22: 38-39). Sometimes that second part can be fulfilled by using some of those unused minutes on our cell phones.