Don't Light Up... Get L.I.T. Youth Conference

Don't Light Up... Get L.I.T. Youth Conference

The Cleveland County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (SAPC), in partnership with Communities in Schools of Cleveland County, is hosting a youth conference for Cleveland County students in grades 6-8. The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 7th from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Don Gibson Theater in Shelby. The conference will be facilitated by National Award Winning Training Agency, Leading to Change, along with students from each of Cleveland County's four high schools. The training is FREE, lunch and snacks will be provided, and door prizes will be awarded to participants throughout the conference.
The goal of the conference is to teach young people how to be leaders; make good, healthy decisions; refuse to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and to most importantly - have the confidence to just be themselves!
As stated by DeShay Oliver, Director of Cleveland County's Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, "Middle school is a time when many young people will be faced with pressure to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol and drug use for the first time. It is also a time when these young people are still trying to figure out exactly who they are, who they want to be, and where they fit in. This combination can make for a time when young people are more likely to give in to peer pressure in order to fit in or be accepted. We want our young people to know that most of their peers don't use drugs, so this is the biggest crowd to fit in with. We also want them to have the skills needed to confidently refuse negative peer pressure. Last, we want young people to know that being a leader doesn't always mean being the loudest or most outspoken. The best leaders lead by example, so your actions and behaviors say a lot about who you are. We want to help our young people make sure their decisions and actions reflect how they want others to view them."
These lessons will be learned through interactive and engaging games and activities. This is not your typical conference where participants will be expected to sit and listen to speakers present. Participants can expect to be up on their feet, having fun, and getting to really know their peers that share similar goals and values. "We are excited to have high school students help facilitate each activity, as they serve as great positive role models for the younger participants," says Oliver.
For more information and to register, please visit:
The deadline to register for this event is May 4th. For questions, you may call 980-484-5199.