Extreme Home Makeover Crew Films in Lincolnton

Extreme Home Makeover Crew Films in Lincolnton

Ty Pennington
On December 12, 2011, the Festival of Trees and Artists’ Market, which is located at 200 Gamble Dr., Lincolnton, was used to film the introduction of the 2012 Extreme Home Makeover Christmas Special. The Extreme Home Makeover Special features the Friday family of Lincolnton, a much deserving family.  Ty Pennington and the Home Makeover Crew searched Lincolnton for a Christmas sight and chose the Arts Council of Lincoln County 2011 Festival of Trees.  The filming took 4 hours and featured a variety of trees that are on display. The Festival of Trees is open to the public one more day, Friday, December 23, 5-9 pm. Admission is $5.00 adults and children 12 years old.  There is a $2.00 admission for children younger than 12 and senior citizens as well. Also, the celebrity Santa will be NC House Representative Jason Sain.