Help Our Local Drive-In Win A New Digital Projector!

Help Our Local Drive-In Win A New Digital Projector!

Owner, Rick Stinnett changes over film on the current projector system at Bessemer City - Kings Mountain Drive-in.
Who doesn’t love going to the drive-in on a hot summer night? Around North Carolina I know that it’s a tradition for everybody to meet at the drive-in on the weekend and watch the best shows. The local Bessemer City-Kings Mountain Drive-In features some of the latest films for all ages, providing great family entertainment. The drive-in has been owned and operated by the Stinnett family since 1949.  The Bessemer City Kings Mountain Drive-In is the only drive-in around that is still charging only $10 by the carload, instead of per person. A major film industry change that many do not know about is coming in the next year, all new films released will be exclusively in digital format. Therefore, all theaters and drive-ins must convert to digital projectors or they will not be able to offer the latest movies. The new digital upgrade costs approximately $80,000. Fortunately, Honda Motor Company is sponsoring a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the difficulties many drive-ins may face with this expense. Honda is committing to help five U.S. drive-ins by rewarding digital projectors to the top five nationwide vote getters. Voting is quick and simple. To help our local drive-in win a new projector, just visit and cast a vote once a day, everyday now through September 9, 2013. Please vote to help the Bessemer City - Kings Mountain Drive-In win and keep their carload admission affordable for their customers!
-Katie Kennell