Hospital Security Earns Distinction

The International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) recently awarded the Program of Distinction, Level 1 Accreditation to the police department at Cleveland Regional Medical Center (CRMC).
The IAHSS Program of Distinction is a progressive certification program for all security staff and encourages officers to obtain the highest level of certification possible.  To qualify, a minimum of 80 percent of a department’s officers must be certified at some level of the Progressive Certification Program, basic, advanced, or supervisory. CRMC’s police department has a 100 percent certification rate. 
In addition, to qualify as a Program of Distinction the department director must be a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator. CRMC’s Chief of Police Charles Cochran has held that advanced certification since 2008.  The Program of Distinction is valid for two years and must be renewed prior to expiration by recertifying all officers at the same or next higher level.
The IAHSS is the world’s leading organization specializing in healthcare security, according to the organization’s website, and has been working with healthcare security and safety personnel for more than 35 years to help them handle the special needs of healthcare organizations and facilities.