According to most shopping estimates, the average American family plans to spend about $750 on Christmas this year. The 2010 Census reports that there are over 37,000 households in Cleveland County. That means that here in Cleveland County we spend approximately $27 million dollars on Christmas every year. Twenty seven million dollars! What if, rather than buying more stuff that we really don't need, we put just a portion of that money to work doing good in our community?
For Christians, Christmas is the celebration of Jesus's birth. In the book of Matthew, Jesus clearly states that when we feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit those in jail we are serving him. "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" Matthew 25: 34-40. What if we gave Jesus what he asked for this Christmas?
Please consider visiting The Living Gift Market, hosted by Central United Methodist Church on Friday, December 2, 2016 from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm at the Earl Scruggs Center located at 103 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. The Living Gift Market is an alternative Christmas market consisting of 19 non-profit organizations. Each agency will have a shopping list of gift choices to be purchased in honor of your loved one. Have an uncle who is so hard to buy for, but loves sports? Purchase a week of soccer camp for an under privileged child in his honor. Have a coworker who is a cancer survivor? Buy a month YMCA membership for a needy survivor in her honor. You'll receive a beautiful card to give your loved one at Christmas and the community will receive a blessing.
The following agencies are participating: The Abuse Prevention Council, Congregations for Children- Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland County, Central United Methodist Church Ministries, Children's Homes of Cleveland County, Cleveland County Rescue Mission, Communities in Schools, Community Math Academy, Dover Foundation YMCA, Foothills Famers' Market, Farmer Foodshare, Habitat for Humanity, Hearts and Hooves Therapeutic Riding Program, Hospice of Cleveland County, Junior Charity League - Tributes for Trousers, Neal Senior Center, the Shepherd's Table - Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, and Straight Out of Shelby, First Baptist Church.
So Cleveland County, what if this year we shop our values. What if we change the Christmas tradition we've all experienced of being over-shopped, overspent and overwhelmed. We know from past years that the money will be spent this Christmas season. The only question is, what will be the lasting effects?
Please visit the Living Gift Market page at or find us on Facebook for more information. Give a gift that keeps giving!