Local Fishing Report

Tammy Melton

Local Fishing Report

The Cleveland County Bass Club fished Lake Rhodhiss Saturday, May 22, 2021. The day was absolutely beautiful...... and hot. True to the time of year, the lake busy with other tournaments, boaters. We had a challenging day finding quality fish, the largest bag being only six plus pounds.

Below is the results for our club.

1st place--Jeremy Bouldin--5 fish--6.06 lbs.

2nd place--Roger Beaver--5 fish--6.00 lbs. He also took big fish with a 2.80 pounder.

3rd place--Jamie Canipe--5 fish --5.78 lbs.

4th place--Robby Rush--4 fish--5.24 lbs.

5th place--Jimmy Melton--4 fish--4.78 lbs.

High Rock is next on the schedule.

The Carolina Bass Club fished Mt. Island Lake Saturday, May 29, 2021. With all the Memorial day weekend festivities they still had 15 anglers show up to fish.

Here are the tournament results.

1st place--The team of Josh Goode and Tanner McMahan with a five fish limit weighing 11.08 pounds. The team also won the big fish of the day award weighing in a 3.24 lb. largemouth bass.

2nd place--The team of Jimmy Melton and Derek Barkley with a five fish limit that weighed 7.11 pounds.

3rd place--Dean Ford also with a five fish limit weighing 6.70 pounds. He also won the 2nd big fish of the day award with a 2.04 pounder.

Congratulations to the Winners!

The Carolina Bass Club fishes Lake Rhodhiss June 19, 2021.

I'd like to see your big fish catches, I know someone has a story to tell. If you have a fish picture that you are proud of, or pictures of your kids or grandchildren with their first catch, etc. Please email me your information and pictures to: