Open House and benefit BBQ luncheon marked as success

Open House and benefit BBQ luncheon marked as success

Pictured left to right: Joyce and Oland Summers, Pastor Michael Gullatte, CCRM Executive Director, and Nancy Freeman, CCRM Board member, tour Heart 2 Heart Place during the open house.

Heart 2 Heart Place, a division of Cleveland County Rescue Mission would like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" for the support shown by the community at the Open House BBQ Luncheon this past Sunday, September 20 in Shelby, NC. The fund raising event brought the ministry several new sponsorships: adopt-a-bed, kitchen appliance, and home decor to name a few, and some pledges for regular financial contributions to the emergency shelter for women and children.
CCRM Executive Director, Michael Gullatte said "We are proud of how some of our long-time donors have stepped up and shown their continued support for this ministry. We are looking for some new donors to join us on this mission of helping homeless women and children by committing to donate $30 a month in our "Take A Pledge" campaign." Take-A-Pledge Donors will serve an important role in the ministry at Heart 2 Heart Place, securing basic necessities like electricity and water utility bills are paid in a timely manner and the shelter is able to remain opened and functioning for homeless women and children.
Aside from the Take-A-Pledge program, there are other sponsorship opportunities still available in Heart 2 Heart Place before we can open our doors to the homeless women and children in Cleveland and surrounding counties. Two bathrooms need to be furnished still for the sponsorship amount of $3,000, the laundry room is still lacking two washers and dryers for the sponsorship amount of $2,000, and there are several beds left to be adopted in the Adopt-A-Bed campaign. For $300, you can provide a bed and bedding for one homeless woman or child being served by Heart 2 Heart Place. Outside of the shelter, the ladies are in need of transportation and are prayerful for a vehicle.
Our mission at CCRM is "Helping people find peace and provision." CCRM offers Christ-centered addiction recovery programs. We provide an array of educational classes. These classes include personal finance, GED, job skill training, theology, healthy living, volunteer work program, basic life skills, and vocational training. These programs help residents gain employment, further their education, build self-confidence, and transition them to more stable or permanent housing.
For questions or additional information call Jocelyn Hill at the Cleveland County Rescue Mission at (704) 751-1255 or Donations can be made online at
Provided by Jocelyn Hill