Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Jan. 12th

Gary Miller ~ outdoortruths.org

Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Jan. 12th
I awoke early, gathered my computer, and sat on the couch. I usually check my email at that time and read my devotion that is sent to me each morning. I was also contemplating my other outdoor activity, running. It was very cold that morning. It was also drizzling rain. I was tired, unmotivated, and was giving into the temptation to stay at home and run on another, nicer day and time. That was until I opened up an email with an attachment about Team Hoyt. I thought I was going to be looking at Hoyt Bows’ new pro staff team. What I discovered was something that made me change my early morning plans.
Team Hoyt is made up of Dick and Rick Hoyt. They are a father and son team who run marathons and triathlons. But what is different about this team is Rick has Cerebral Palsy. He can neither walk nor talk. His father, Dick, swims with his son in tow then rides his bike and runs while pushing Rick the entire way. Oh, and by the way, Dick is sixty-six years old and Rick is in his early forties. I watched a video of them and was shamed off my couch. I thought about my weak excuses while others who really have obstacles, pressed on. So I got up, laced my shoes, and put my five miles in with a different attitude. It was still cold and the rain still fell, but I no longer felt as if these circumstances were hindrances, but instead, they were reminders of others who were pressing on and who had pressed on. That morning not only did I think about Team Hoyt, but I thought about our troops who were pressing on in less than uncomfortable conditions, protecting my freedom.  And I thought about the Lord. The Bible says, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Who, for the joy that would be His, endured the cross, despising the shame.”
I wonder what has happened in your life that has put you on the couch.  I wonder what excuse you use each day that keeps you from doing what you know you need to do.  And I wonder if those excuses will stand up in the light of people like Team Hoyt? The truth is most of the things that we accomplish in life will come when we realize that the mountain before us is not there to hinder our path but it’s there to see what we are willing to put ourselves through in order to get to the other side.