Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ March 15th

Gary Miller ~ outdoortruths.org

Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ March 15th
In my area there are a few small streams that feed into the rivers. When I say small I mean only about 10 to 15 yards wide. Several times each spring our wildlife agency releases trout into these shallow streams in order to offer more opportunities to catch fish. There have been several times that I have went on an early morning turkey hunt, then afterwards go home and grab my spinning reel and head back to one of these creeks for a couple of hours of trout fishing. It really is a fun way to spend a morning.
I can remember the first time I took my son and introduced him to this new type of fishing. He was an older teenager and I could tell he was a little skeptical when I pulled up to the little creek that seemed too shallow to hold any fish of consequence. I knew what he was thinking because I too had shared this sentiment. It really does look like if there were any fish in the creek you would quickly be able to see them. After convincing him the fish were actually there, we proceeded to wet a line. It didn’t take long for him to understand that what looked to be too small, too shallow, unproductive, void, and barren could actually hold great potential. What he needs to learn is that life is exactly the same way. I’m glad that he decided to fish that day instead of allowing what he saw to determine what he did. Let me write that again so you will get it... I’m glad he didn’t allow what he saw to determine what he did. If he had of, he would’ve missed a good time and a great harvest.
Some of you are getting up each morning and looking at your day as my son did this creek. When you give it the eye test it seems that what lies in front of you is too small and too shallow to hold anything of real value. It may even seem that God has given you a Ranger Bass Boat, but only a stream to fish in. But what you must remember is that faith is more about seeing through the eye than it is in seeing with the eye. Faith doesn’t look at the small and insignificant stream but it remembers the God who has stocked it. Faith simply casts its bread upon the waters without regard for the past, present, or future; knowing that if God can bring salvation from a cross, He can bring big blessings from my little brook.