Post 82 recognizes area students

Post 82 recognizes area students

Shelby American Legion Post 82 recognized four area high school students at its November meeting.
Pierce Robinson and B.J. Ramseur attended Boys State, held at Catawba College. Pierce, who attends Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy, was also the 2018 oratorical contest winner for Post 82.
B.J., attends Crest High. He was elected to a county commissioner position during the Boys State program.
Brooklyn Heavner, a sophomore at Shelby High, was pitcher for the Post 82 Girl's Softball Team, which won the Western Regional Championship and placed 4th in the state.
Elijah Larson, a student at Burns High, attended the Student Trooper Program in Raleigh. This is sponsored by the North Carolina High Patrol. Of the 51 participants, Elijah was the top graduate.
Parents of the students attended the meeting.
Submitted by Ludy Wilkie