Relay for Life To Kick Off 20th Year

Relay for Life To Kick Off 20th Year

Paden McBride, Jack Wasserman and Blake Wilkey.
On Tuesday November 19th friends and families will gather at Landmark Baptist church to kick-off the 20th year celebration of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Relay brings together friends, families, businesses, the local hospitals, area schools, faith-based groups and people from all walks of life. All these are aimed at furthering the American Cancer Society’s efforts to save lives by helping people get well, helping them stay well, finding cures and by fighting back.
In celebration of the 20th year, they are fortunate to have four past chairs who have joined together to make this event one that will exceed all expectations. Doris Dedmon, Michelle Royster, Sheila Davis and Jeff Ross have been working tirelessly to ensure that the 20th year will be one for the record books. Each one has a special reason for their dedication and are the reason that the past 20 years have been so successful. Their love and commitment for the cause is evident to all who know them and our community is in the best possible hands.
Relay is a unique opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate our friends and family who have battled cancer, to remember those we’ve lost and fight back against the disease. Many of the participants are cancer survivors and this serves as a reminder that Cleveland County is not immune to the disease and that by participating in Relay, we are joining the American Cancer Society’s efforts to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. The funds raised are enabling the American Cancer Society to impact the lives of those touched by cancer within our community.
Please come out to Landmark Baptist Church at 6pm on Tuesday November 19th and join your friends and neighbors to kick-off the 20th year with a bang! The church is located at 1724 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby.
Monthly Relay For Life meetings will start on January 14, 2014 and continue monthly through the event May 16-17, 2014.
For more information contact: Julie Pearson:, 704-473-1268; Doris Dedmon:, 704-472-4422; Jeff Ross:, 704-472-6626; Michelle Royster:, 704-473-2107; Sheila Davis:,  704-477-2408. 
by Jeff Ross