Santa Claus is coming to town early

Santa Claus is coming to town early

Santa Claus is coming to town a little early this year - at least in Kings Mountain. On Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017, the GFWC NC Kings Mountain Woman's Club (KMWC) is sponsoring "Breakfast with Santa" from 7:30-11:30 a.m. at their club house, located at 108 E. Mountain Street, Kings Mountain. The morning includes not only breakfast, but also pictures and an "Elf Closet" where children can purchase gifts for their families.
"This is our eighth year of doing this, and we intentionally planned it very early so that families would have an opportunity to get their children's pictures made with Santa so that they can include it on their family Christmas cards," says KMWC President Ann Bennett.
Breakfast is served in the dining room and includes a buffet of pancakes, scrambled eggs, grits, bacon or sausage, and biscuits for adults. Children can choose from several themed pancakes including a reindeer, a snowman, or an elf, along with bacon or sausage, and juice. The cost for breakfast is $8 for adults and $5 for children.
After breakfast, children can head upstairs where Shelby Camera & Video personnel will snap photos of the young ones sitting on Santa's knee. Pictures will be taken from
8-11 a.m. and will be available for purchase within 30-45 minutes.
Meanwhile, children 11 and under can visit the "Elf Closet" to purchase gifts for mom and dad. All items in the Elf Closet are $1. Simple crafts and coloring will also be provided in the auditorium while families wait.
"This is one of several fundraisers that we do each year," says Bennett. "It has grown each year. People seem to appreciate being able to come early and have breakfast and not fight the mall crowd to see Santa."
For more information about "Breakfast with Santa," visit the KMWC web site at or search for "Kings Mountain Woman's Club" on Facebook.


Special to Community First Media