SHIIP Coordinators Gather For Annual Conference

Provided By Monty Thornburg

 More than 100 SHIIP coordinators from across North Carolina attended the NC Department of Insurance program’s annual coordinators’ conference in Greensboro, July 21-22. The group discussed upcoming initiatives such as the recent legislation establishing the Long-term Care Partnership program.

“It’s not easy to take a confusing program like Medicare and other related products and turn it into something that is manageable and understood by your clients, and that’s what we ask you to do,” said Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin during his remarks to SHIIP coordinators. 

In 2009, SHIIP coordinating sites across the state counseled nearly 87,000 Medicare recipients, family members and caregivers during the course of 94,513 volunteer hours. The program also enrolled 4,963 North Carolinians in Medicare’s Extra Help program that offers premium and prescription assistance for Medicare’s prescription drug program. 

“The conference provides us the information and instructions we need to better serve the Medicare recipients in Cleveland County,” said Monty Thornburg and Carol Dixon, Cleveland County SHIIP coordinators for the Kings Mountain area. “Through the SHIIP program, we’ve been able to counsel 314 Medicare recipients and hold 30 outreach events in our community this year. If you have questions about Medicare, call the Patrick Senior Center SHIIP office for an appointment.”  

SHIIP is a division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance that offers free, objective information about Medicare, Medicare prescription drug coverage, Medicare Advantage, long-term care insurance and other health insurance information. SHIIP’s trained volunteers provide one-on-one counseling in all 100 counties. For more information about SHIIP or to get answers to Medicare questions, call SHIIP directly at 800-443-0354 or visit

One of Cleveland County SHIIP coordinating sites is located in the Patrick Senior Center and can be reached at 704-734-0447.