Pictured in the background, the flapjack chefs, Rick Stroupe, Terry Pack,  David Beam, Keith McCraw, Michael Cheng and David Chadwick, turned out thousands of pancakes. The Kiwanians would like to send a special thank you to the Crest High School Key Club for their tremendous amount of help at this year’s Pancake Supper. Pictured here, Key Club President, R. J. Kelly is up front. First row (l to r) : Sharon Carey, Faculty Sponsor, Samantha Griffin, Madelyn Carroll, Tori Smith, Angel Lewis, and Taylor McNure. Back Row (l to r): Morgan Ruppe, Kimberly Gilbert, Katie Gilbert, Korea Little, Elaine Hall, Bianca Nanje, Roheisha Blakeney, Zach Parker, Dylan Jones and Amber Wall.