Through A Woman's Eyes: Listen, Watch And Seek

Martha Hynson •

Through A Woman's Eyes: Listen, Watch And Seek
 Read Psalm 148
An Apple of Gold: Proverbs 1:5-6 Let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.
During one of the busiest seasons of my life, I heard the author of a book called Margin interviewed on the radio. Richard Swenson M.D. had written about the pitfalls of over-scheduled lives. He stressed the necessity of creating “margin.” As I listened, I knew that lack of margin was a problem in my own life, so naturally, I was thrilled when I learned that Dr. Swenson would be speaking at our church. The first night he was there I was seated in the front row. The second night, I was too busy to attend!
I wish I could say I learned the secret of creating margin, but in reality life just continued to move on in a blur. I can say, though, that the Lord took my busy schedule and used it for his purposes. Out of desperation, I sought Him more than ever, simply because I knew our family wouldn’t survive if I didn’t. Although I couldn’t see how I could clear our agenda enough to achieve the margin I craved, things sometimes simply went undone because I felt an overwhelming need to spend time with God in his Word. And somehow, amid the mayhem, I grew closer to Him than ever.
Today, as I hear the world scream that I need more and more, faster and faster, God patiently invites me to experience his peace. He’s all around me, but He’s not screaming, and if I’m not deliberately listening, watching, and seeking, I’ll miss Him. When I do seek Him though, He’s faithful to respond in ways that reveal more and more of Himself to me.
One of the first things I do each morning is take our dog out, and I often use this time to check my email and other things on my phone. I pull up my to-do list and calendar and plan my day. If I’m not careful though, I get caught up looking at all sorts of other stuff online. One morning I decided that instead of my normal routine, I would spend my time outside just talking to God. I laid my phone on the table, and as I went out the door I said “Good morning, Lord.” Just then, I looked up and saw a tree. It was the same tree that had been there every other morning, except this time I noticed something I never had before. I learned something new about God that day. He can be corny and sentimental just like me. I know because He said good morning to me with a heart shaped tree.