Township Three Ruritan presents scholarships

Township Three Ruritan presents scholarships

Broadus Heatherly & Bailee Bryant

Broadus Heatherly, chaplain for Township Number Three Ruritan Club presented a $500 scholarship to Clay Chaney, a recent graduate of Crest High School at the July meeting. Mr. Chaney is currently a freshman at North Carolina State University majoring in meteorology. Mr. Heatherly presented a $500 scholarship to Bailee Michelle Bryant, a recent graduate of Crest High School. Miss Byrant is currently a freshman at Western Carolina State University majoring in nursing. Number Three Ruritan Club presents three such scholarships each year to a deserving student of Crest High School. The club meets on the first Monday of each month at Showmars of Shelby at 7pm and invites interested citizens to visit and consider becoming a part of the Ruritan club.
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