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Benefit raises over $5,000 for Bill Robertson
L-R: Cathy Robertson, Robin Wilson and Debbie Gaffney. Back row l-r: Sandy Allen, Pam Allen, Debbie Mitchell and Ronnie Mitchell. Bill Robertson is seated in very front.
A community of friends and supporters came together to help raise funds for medical expenses of Bill Robertson on Saturday, September 13th at Skooterz in Shelby. The event included a benefit ride, BBQ Plates, live music by “Madder Don’t”, a silent auction and bake sale. There was a packed crowd and lots of caring bikers who came to help one of their own. Bill “Wild Bill” Robertson suffered a stroke on July 12 and is now going to rehab in Charlotte. Bill, a member of the Cleveland County Independent Bikers who is loved by many has medical bills that are mounting. His wife Cathy said they were “overwhelmed by the great turnout and are so grateful for the response.”
-M.A. Andrews

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