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Through A Woman's Eyes: The Real Story
Matthew 1 is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham. (Continue reading Matthew 1:2-16).
This picture, taken while on vacation last summer, shows three generations of our family. What it doesn’t show is the story of our family, the ups and downs of our lives through the years, or even what happened on that particular day.
Our picture-perfect smiles might suggest picture-perfect lives but, the truth is, that very day had gotten off to a less than perfect beginning. It started when a rainstorm blew in while my husband, Paul, was out for a walk. A while later, he blew back into the house, soaked to the skin, and said he couldn’t believe I hadn’t come to get him. He said that if it had been the other way around, he would have been out looking for me. He’s right. He would have. I know because once when we were in the car and he couldn’t escape, I provided him with the opportunity to take a personality quiz. It turns out he’s a protector. It turns out I’m an idealistic dreamer. This explains why he would have come to my rescue, while I simply imagined he’d find a cozy shelter somewhere and finished my breakfast. It also explains why, if it had been the other way around, while he was on a mission to save me, I would have been delighting in the quaint experience of being caught in the rain (and also possibly getting struck by lightning.)
The people named in Matthew 1:2-16 are ancestors of Jesus. Scripture gives us a peek into some of their lives but, for the most part, their personalities and day to day experiences are a mystery to us. I tend to rush through the names, many of which I can’t pronounce, but God is intimately familiar with each and every one. He created them with the exact characteristics he wanted them to have and wove them together into the fabric of his story. I’m sure they must have wondered, at times, how things were going to work out, because the details we do know of their lives paint a picture of a dysfunctional family who caught only a glimpse of the wonderful plan God was unfolding.

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