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Bible Study: Light and Darkness Does Not Mix
If light and darkness did mix you could go into Heaven with sin in you. The Heavenly Father says no sin will come into heaven. Darkness is God’s word for sin. A preacher from Cherryville was in the mountains one Sunday afternoon visiting, and he came across some people doing everyday work. As he talked to one of them, he said you are living in darkness and the lady said “I have been trying to get my husband to put a window in that wall for years”. Then he explained to them about light and darkness. Religion is not in the offering from your Lord and Saviour. He says go and sin no more and if you do break my commandments call on me when you are truly sorry and I will forgive you. Remember David. He wet his pillow all night with his tears and God forgave him. And then God referred to him as a Prophet.
Jesus was our separator. He showed us that we can get angry over certain things and not sin. Remember the Temple? Some were using the Temple to make money. Watch out or we will get on someone else’s toes. You live righteous and holy and one day Jesus will say, come up here, you are a blessing. As the day he was blessing people, and when he got to Bethany he lifted up his hands and blessed them and as he did this he left the people and was taken up into heaven. One day he will split the eastern sky and call all redeemed home to be with him forevermore. Don’t forget a good bible says you will see him as he is, meaning that you will have to be Holy. Not...Lord I belong to the church, I joined it one day when they asked me to, never giving the thought that the redeemed is the true Church of God. Redeemed by Christ’s blood that day on Mt. Calvary. Only he could pay the price for what happened there in the garden.

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