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Bible Study: What We Do For Our Lord Do It Secretly
I realize that we can not do everything secretly. If you study your Bible carefully, you will see that this is what Jesus got the most pleasure from, doing something as a surprise. I am persuaded to believe that He does a lot of things this way today. You see he knows the future. Let’s look at Paul. He met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Look how he turned out. He wrote over half of what we know as the New Testament. He went to Araba and studied in caves and other places for three years before he would testify that He had this calling. Read the gospel of John, Chapter 21, verse 3. Then read more and see if you can see how Jesus works. Notice what happens when they find out that Jesus is on the shore. Notice what Peter does. They caught 153 fish in the net, and the net did not break. To these men it really meant something. As you read, you can see why Jesus did this. Jesus used these people to start building  trust and belief in them. I am persuaded that He does the same thing today for those He can see trust in. Who did you witness to this week? Who did you invite to church this week? I was once in a church and the preacher roped off the back seats for visitors and the others had to come up front. (Good idea).  Some who read this were there.

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