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Bible Study: Who Wants To Go To Work For the Lord?
You do not have to be a Christian to work for the Lord. Many people tithe their income and are not Christians. Why? Mostly because their Pastor says it is the thing to do. To the one doing that, they seem to prosper and get along just fine. The writer did that. He was reborn to Jesus. I even took my tithes and split it up between the children and did it that way and later I could see the children doing the same. Today we have a strong family working for the Lord. The grandchildren are following in the right way. I write about this because all people who read this are not Christians- reborn Saints of a Living God. Just keep in Mind that He still loves you. Yes, he did let them  sacrifice him on a wicked cross, so we could get rid of our sins by asking from the heart and mouth. A lot of the world will still hate you. Now you have the strength to love them and forgive them. In the end, if no change is ever come from them, at death they will go down. All God’s children can rest in peace. The big question is, how many can you help to go with you. We live in a truly mixed up world. The writer has worshipped the Lord in six different countries. Many people on the earth eat different than we do in America. They serve different things that they call God. A lot of their gods will kill them if they get a chance. Our God volunteered on a cross so that we can meet him in Heaven after death here on earth.

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