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Carolina Music Productions 041113
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Did you know that certain activities could help prevent illness?

It’s never too late to learn. A coworker asked me a question about a piano piece that she had started to learn, just for fun. By taking past knowledge of the treble clef spaces (FACE) and the treble clef lines (EGBDF), middle C on the piano, and some common sense, she taught herself how to read music. This can be a relaxing way to spend time, exercise your brain, and explore creativity. 

But something else is going on here…when you learn how to play an instrument; certain connections are made in the brain. Neurons are special cells that send electronic signals though the brain, communicating to the body messages. When you learn an instrument, the brain makes new connections. Playing games, cards, puzzles, painting, etc. are all examples of activities that could help prevent the incurable disease called Alzheimer’s. 

Not only are you learning a great new way to spend time doing something productive, but also you are setting yourself up for a healthy future of aging. It is never too late to try something new. I once met a person who had broken their fingers. He started to play the guitar to help regain control of his fingers upon suggestion of his doctor. Using his hands in this manner also helped to manage his arthritis. If you let a car sit for a long time without cranking it up, it starts to dilapidate. Your brain and body can suffer this same atrophy. Don’t let you musical side diminish! What are you waiting for? Dust off those music books, get on YouTube, call up your family and friends and start playing today…FOR


Calling all students songwriters, musicians and singers!  We are looking for submissions to be showcased in our Cleveland County Artists feature:
email me at justin@cfmedia.info for more details.

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