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Cross Words: We’ve Been Played
Well-trained magicians are experts in creating illusions.  Misdirection combined with the power of suggestion are the tools of their trade.  They are able to make things appear real when they are not and they can make things seem to disappear when in fact they still remain.
These days it seems that a fair majority of the world has been mesmerized and duped by the greatest magician of all time.  Satan has done a masterful job of giving people a false sense of security through their homes, possessions, governments, militaries, religions, beauty, etc. Their confidence for today and their hope for the future is placed not in the things of God but rather in the things of the world.  What so many think they actually possess is only an illusion.  Here one minute and gone the next.
Satan is equally adept in making things apparently disappear when in fact they have gone nowhere at all.  Many believers have become convinced that their faith and eternal security can vanish at a moments notice.  Just make a mistake or doubt God for a second and your place in heaven is suddenly been put back on the market.   The master deceiver has caused many a soul to think that God will send them adrift even though Jesus said, “...I shall lose none of all that He has given me, but raise them up at the last day” (John 6:39).
With the flick of a wand magicians have been able to make elephants and airplanes disappear.  With the utterance of a few magical words they can make a ten story building or a dove seemingly appear out of nowhere.  These feats however are simply magic.  They are not real.  The wiles and schemes of the devil are.  It’s time for us to wake up and see things for what they are.  Or what they are not.

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