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Law Enforcement Appreciation luncheon given for local officers

Steve Borders family and Elizabeth Baptist Church wanted to do something special to recognize and honor Cleveland County law enforcement, so they thought a delicious lunch would be just the thing.

Turns out it was a great idea and that's just what happened Oct. 26, at the Borders' farm and cabin, located just outside of Waco, where the fine men and women of the Cleveland County law enforcement community were treated to said lunch by the Borders and their church friends, as a way to say, "Thank you for protecting our community!"

The Tuesday event took place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shelby Police Chief Jeff Ledford, Cleveland County Sheriff Alan Norman, Kings Mountain Police Chief Lisa Proctor, officers and support personnel from all three departments. Gary Warlick from the Sheriff's Office came by to pick up plates for officerswho were not in attendance.

Cleveland County CommissionersDoug Bridges, Deb Hardin, and Johnny Hutchinsand Senator Ted Alexander also came by to enjoy the great meal and fellowship with everyone. The Borders and their friends, served the meal.

Steve, a former educator, Interim School Superintendent, and Director of Administration for Cleveland County Schools said friends and church members assisting at the cookout were Jerry and Joyce Gardner, Jim Hollingsworth, Dickie Hayes, Jamie Jones, Lacey Ange, Meda Dixon, Lisa Washburn, Tim Smith (of EBC), Brian Cook and Tony Berry.

"We also want to thank Elizabeth Baptist pastor, Rev. Rit Varriale and Eddie Clay, and Joyce Robert's Sunday School Class, which provided desserts," said Steve, who added that Grover Elementary School provided studentwritten letters to the officers, along with a welcoming banner and decorations.

Commissioner Bridges said he and his fellow commissioners are always glad to be able to support law enforcement. Commissioner Hardin agreed, adding, "They protect our community every day and we appreciate them."

Shelby Police Lt. John Hamrick, a 26-ó year veteran said, "I think it's exceptional of them to do this for us. This is great!"

Shelby Police Chief Ledford said, "I think it is amazing that Elizabeth Baptist Church and the Borders Family are doing this for law enforcement. The appreciation feels great and it comes at a time when it is really needed!"

Commissioner Hutchins agreed, adding, "We have a great community here in Cleveland County and they know how to show their appreciation for them (law enforcement)."

Sheriff Alan Norman looked around at his officers enjoying themselves and said, "What a great thing the Borders family and their Church are doing for our law enforcement men and women by hosting this. It just goes to show you that by this large a group of officers being here, what it means to them too."

He continued, "This is a brainstorm of Steve's to begin with. All the officers here appreciate the hospitality and warm support given from the heart. We know that Cleveland County's citizens wholeheartedly support law enforcement. It means a lot to us."

All the officers got a "goodie bag", along with handwritten letters of praise, thankfulness and support from Grover Elementary students.

Senator Ted Alexander (R-Dist. 44) said, "This is an outstanding event, made more so given it was generated by two private individuals, Steve and Cindy Borders, who just wanted to bless our local law enforcement officers."

Though this was a firsttime event, both Steve and Cindy noted they may do this or a similar event in the future.

"We had a great turnout

for this, and we're very happywe did," said Mr. Borders.

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