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Neighborhood Calendar 2/06/25

Saturday, February 8

What: 3rd Annual Spay-ghetti & No Balls Dinner
When: 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm, February 8.
Where: The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 502 W. Sumter St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: HUNGRY for an incredible Spaghetti dinner? Come join CLIFFORD'S ARMY RESCUE for our 3rd Annual Spay-ghetti & No Balls Dinner! Make this your Valentine dinner with your special someone. Bring your whole family for a great night of fantastic food and entertainment. Tickets are $15 and we offer both Dine-In OR Take-out. The famous Watson sisters (Sisters Cafe) will be cooking again. The dinner includes "Spay-ghetti" with their famous sauce, both with OR without meat, salad, bread, and homemade desserts by one of the best bakers in the county. Casey Wilson will be providing the entertainment and you are in for a treat. We will also have a silent auction. Last year was a huge success and almost sold out. So buy your tickets early, as this may be the year we sell out ! All proceeds will benefit the abused, the neglected, the injured, the sick, the feral, the frightened and the abandoned dogs in our county and beyond. You can purchase tickets in advance from any CARE volunteer or go to our Facebook page "Clifford's Army Rescue Extravaganza" and search under our posts for the Spay-ghetti event and there is a link to purchase tickets online. C.A.R.E (Clifford's Army Rescue Extravaganza) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all volunteer, dog rescue organization.

Sunday, February 9
What: Broad River Genealogical Society Meeting
When: 3:00 pm, February 9.
Where: American Legion Post #82, 1628 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Our speaker will be Dale Swofford. He will be speaking on the Revolutionary War.

Saturday, February 22
What: Crest FFA Benefit Concert
When: 5:30 pm, February 22.
Where: Crest High Auditorium, 800 Boiling Springs Rd., Shelby, NC.
More Info: The Crest High School Alumni Association is organizing a benefit concert to raise money for the school chapter. These funds will be used to buy supplies for FFA chapter activities, allow students to participate in competitions, as well attend leadership conferences and state/national conventions. Featuring Dirty Grass Soul, Mason Cole, Lindy Bryson. Doors open at 4:30. Tickets available at my.hometownticketing.com

Monday, February 24
What: Free Workshop, "Your Land, Your Legacy"
When: 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, February 24.
Where: American Legion Post #82, 1628 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Local landowners and farmers are invited to attend a free workshop, "Your Land, Your Legacy," on Monday, February 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Extension Auditorium, located at 130 S Post Rd #1, Shelby, NC 28152. Registration starts at 8:30 AM, with breakfast biscuits. This informative event will cover a range of topics to help attendees make the most of their land and plan for its future. Topics include the Present Use Value Program, Estate Planning Resources, Wildlife Management, Conservation Easements, FSA Programs, and Ag Law for Leases and Drones. A Box Lunch will be provided at no cost to participants. This workshop is sponsored by AgSouth Farm Credit, Farm Bureau of Cleveland County, Cleveland Soil & Water Conservation District, Cleveland County Government, and the N.C. Cooperative Extension. To secure your spot, please RSVP by calling 704-482-4365 by February 18th.

What: Benefit Auction
When: 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm, February 24.
Where: Dragonfly Wine Market, 101 W. Warren St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Come join us for a fun filled evening where you can have a chance at owning some Cleveland County history and more. We have some antique items that will be auctioned along with some recently discovered Earl Owensby Studios memorabilia. Between now and the auction date, we will start adding some of the items in the comments on our Facebook event page (Clifford's Army Rescue Extravaganza Facebook page) The event starts at 6 pm to give you a chance to look at all the items in person. Auction will start at 7 pm. There is a $5 bid fee. All funds raised will go towards the renovation of the former E.0. Studio, now the future home for Clifford's Army Rescue. First drink is on us if you sign up to bid on items! C.A.R.E is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, dog rescue organization run by a fierce army of 100% volunteers.


Writer's INK: Local writing group will hold their next meeting on Friday, February 7 from 1-3 pm. Meeting to take place at Cleveland County Library in the front conference room. Writers of all levels are welcome to attend and share with this informal peer group.

First Friday at The Banker's House: If you have ever wanted to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of this beautiful house, then this is your chance! Tours are held on the First Friday of every month. Our next tour will be on Friday, February 7, 2025, so mark your calendar now! Tour hours are 3 - 6 p.m. (last tour starts at 5:40 p.m.) and the cost is $10 at the door. If you can't make it on First Friday, you can book your private party tour for a groups of six or more people by calling Carolyn Jackson at (980) 404-0096.

LOW COST SPAY & NEUTER Clinic: FEBRUARY 7, FRIDAY - CARE & Community Pets Mobile Veterinary Clinic - Our other clinics booked up quickly. So, SIGN UP EARLY ! The best way to make sure you get in the quickest is to go ahead and sign up now. PRE REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Clifford's Army Rescue is teaming with Community Pets Mobile Veterinary Clinic to bring a low cost spay/neuter clinic to our area. We will be starting out once a month, and if demand is high enough, we will look at having the Mobile Clinic come more often. Clinics will be held at 1056 Old Boiling Springs Rd, Shelby, future home of Clifford's Army Rescue. Arrival time is 7:30 am. If you have not arrived by 8 am, your space will be taken by another needy animal. Please stay in your vehicle as this is a drive through drop off. Owners may bring only two animals per clinic unless otherwise advised. Please fill out a separate form for each animal. Pick up is between 3 and 3:30 pm. Please make sure that you have someone who can pick up during this time. At this point our facility is not open so we do not have the capability to wait very long after the animals are ready to return to owners. Pick up is drive through also. Please stay in your vehicle, we will come to you. There are some requirements for the mobile veterinary clinic. All animals need to be in carriers. Please label carrier with your name, pet name, phone number. Feral cats need to be in traps. Dogs must be under 40 lbs, not over 6 years old, and no smushy faced breeds. There is an extra charge for animals in heat and/or pregnant. If your animal is over 12 weeks old and no proof of rabies vaccination, one will be administered and charged to you. The breakdown is 5 female dogs, 7 male dogs, 10 female cats, 8 male cats (could have more male cats and less females but no more than 10 female cats) There is a Limited number of dogs/cats that can be taken so get your pre registration in ASAP. Pricing is set by Community Pets Vet. Dog Spay under 40#- $155 - Dog Neuter under 40#- $120 Cat Spay - $80 - Cat Neuter - $65 All of the above procedures includes post op pain medication MANY MORE SERVICES OFFERED - look on Clifford's Army Facebook page - click on the EVENT for DETAILS of ALL vet SERVICES offered. ALL ANIMALS NEED TO ARRIVE IN CARRIERS. FERAL CATS MUST BE IN TRAPS. If you do not have either of these, please contact us in advance. ALL CARRIERS NEED TO HAVE PET'S NAME, OWNER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. Link to Pre-Register https://form.jotform.com/cliffordsarmy/februaryclinic C.A.R.E is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all volunteer dog rescue organization.

Monthly Meeting at American Legion, Post 82: 2nd Monday of every month. Meal at 6:00 pm, Meeting at 6:30 pm. Warren F. Hoyle, American Legion, Post 82, 1628 South Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. We invite all Veterans to attend our monthly meetings. If you are a son or grandson of a veteran, you can join the Sons of the American Legion. Members of the Legion family can join the Legion Riders. To join the American Legion, the veteran holds an honorable discharge or is an active duty veteran. Spouses, daughters, granddaughters of a veteran can join the Auxiliary.

Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else's drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or church office, 704-482-3467.

Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else's drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at Noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.

Neighborhood Calendar Deadline:

Fridays, 3 PM Prior to Thursday's Edition.

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