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Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ September 9th edition
  My recent bear hunting experience provided more fuel for my outdoor fire. It was as exhilarating to experience the beautiful state of Maine, as it was to be in the woods with the big black creatures. If you have never visited the far northeast part of the country, let me encourage you to do so. The mountains, rivers, and wildlife are an outdoorsman’s and outdoorswomen’s dream-come-true. I’m already making plans to go back next year.  

 I think the people there were as intrigued with our southern drawl as we were with their way of life. They had a hard time understanding us sometimes, especially when one of my hunting partners walked into a Dunkin Donuts and ask the girl behind the counter; “Whatdayareckon a man ortta eat?” Now, I told my friend that I can defend him when he uses the word “reckon” because, after all, it’s in the Bible, but I can’t do anything with “ortta.” Anyway, after some helpful translation, we were able to get breakfast. The next time in we just ordered the “Number 1.” 

 Bear hunting was also a different experience particularly when the evening hunt was over and I had to make my way, in the dark through the woods, and to the place where my ride was picking me up. I waited forty minuets the first day. Even though it was dark, I think I saw a bear behind every tree. I looked like Barney Fife, just waiting to stick my one bullet in my gun just in case I heard something that sounded a little abnormal. Everything sounded abnormal. That is the difference in hunting something like a bear – the hunter can also become the hunted. It was an emotional experience that I had never encountered and I liked the rush of it all. 

 It was at that moment I was reminded of Paul’s words to the Philippian church. He said; “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of, Christ Jesus.” Paul was saying that just as he was trying to pursue Jesus; Jesus was trying to pursue him. They had a common goal – each other.

 Sometimes, in my own life, it seems that God is very distant and out of reach. It seems that my pursuit of the things of Christ are illusive and that I always come home empty-handed. The truth is, just as much as I am trying to put more of God in my life, He is trying to give me more of Himself as well. Just as I want more of Him, He wants more of me. I am being apprehended by that which I am also trying to apprehend. For me, that is really good to know. And it ortta be for you.

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