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Shelby Student Receives NC Exchange Club A.C.E. Award
 Christopher M. Bryant received the 2010 North Carolina District Exchange Club A.C.E. Award.  Bryant is a 2010 graduate of Shelby High School.  The A.C.E. Award recognizes high school seniors that have Accepted the Challenge of Excellence.  These students have overcome personal or physical adversity and succeeded in high school.

Since he was in elementary school, Bryant has had to take on many household and care giving responsibilities.  During his first two years of high school, Bryant’s family moved frequently and he attended 5 different schools during this time.  His grades suffered and he lost interest in school.

At the start of tenth grade, Bryant joined the ROTC program.  ROTC emphasized self-discipline, community service, and doing your best.  He also committed his life to Jesus.  Bryant adopted a new attitude towards school and began improving his grades.  By the last quarter of tenth grade, his grades were one B and the rest As.  

In eleventh grade, Bryant transferred to Shelby High School.  Though Shelby High does not have ROTC, Chris continued to apply the skills and discipline that he had learned.  Because of poor grades before tenth grade, he was behind on the credits needed to graduate.  Bryant sought out the assistance of a guidance counselor to find out how to make up the credits.  He enrolled in self-study online courses and made up the credits he needed.  Guidance counselor Teresa Heffelfinger said, “It was completely up to Chris to complete the online courses, and he had the motivation and drive to succeed.  Most students do not follow through like Chris did.”

During his senior year, Bryant was eligible for sports.  He joined the cross-country team and made All-Conference.  He was also in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Young Life, and the Patterson Springs Baptist Church youth group.

Bryant was nominated for the North Carolina ACE Award by the Exchange Club of Shelby.  The Shelby Club presented him with a certificate of recognition and $200.  He was a guest of honor at the 76th Annual North Carolina District Exchange Club Convention in June and received a $1,000 education scholarship.  One NC A.C.E. Award student was selected from the twenty-eight NC Exchange Clubs.  Bryant will now be considered for the National Exchange Club A.C.E. Award which includes a $10,000 scholarship.

Attending the NC Convention with Bryant was his father and stepmother, Christopher and April Bryant, and Shelby Exchange Club youth programs chair, Brenda Costner.

The Exchange Club of Shelby is a civic club serving all of Cleveland County.  Club members volunteer to make our community a better place to live through service programs in Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and the Prevention of Child Abuse.  The Club’s primary fundraiser is selling peanuts in the Dorton Exhibit Hall at the Cleveland County Fair.  The Club meets at 6:30pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month at Jackson’s Cafeteria in Shelby.

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