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Camp Loy White Celebrates 50 Years
Campers at Camp Loy White
Most everyone who grew up in Cleveland and the surrounding counties, at one time, went to Camp Loy White. “Christian Experiences through Camping” is the mission statement of this place of peace. 
The camp was named in honor of a young man who died at the age of 16 (June 1961) in an automobile accident. His family donated land and money to establish the camp, which became a living memorial for their son, Loy White. The United Methodist Church (Gastonia District) took possession of the grounds on May 6, 1962. The initial offering of Mr. and Mrs. James W. White also inspired others creating additional donations of land, In 1963 more land was purchased to bring the total acreage of the camp to 117.19. Camp Loy White, over the years, has become a special place for fellowship, recreation, fun, learning, study and strength. It’s a place where groups or individuals can feel close to God and experience His wonders of nature.
On Saturday, May 12, from 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. their Fifty Year Anniversary Celebration will take place and the public is invited. Ed Kilbourne will highlight the worship service at 11 a.m. He has been compared to Garrison Keillor. Noontime, a box lunch will be provided with donations accepted. Beginning at 1 p.m. there will be Gospel Singing under the big tent and for the little folks, a supervised children’s playground  will be open until 4 p.m.
Camp Loy White is a most befitting memorial to a young man and is a great destination for retreats, conferences, reunions, camping hiking, picnics or overnight lodging. The Camp is located at 258 Hull Road, Casar N C 28020.
For more information or to contact the Camp, call manager Wes Voigt, Jr. at 704-538-3866 or email wesvoigtjr@aol.com.
Photos courtesy: Hal Lingerfelt

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