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Dancing With The Cleveland County Stars
Brian and Jennenne Hunnell dance to some tunes, from the Grease soundtrack, during last year’s performance.
Join Communities In Schools, seven exciting couples and Miss North Carolina for an evening of fun, food and festivities. CIS is bringing back “Dancing With the Cleveland County Stars” for the third season. All funds support the programs and operations of Communities In Schools of Cleveland County, a local non-profit that surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and prepare for life. More than 80% of the students supported by CIS live in poverty (free/reduced lunch standards) and CIS staff bring donations, services and opportunities to over 900 students who receive intensive support throughout the school year. CIS also provides opportunities to the whole school population through activities, like the annual school supply drive. This year, Cleveland County manufacturers; Clearwater, PPG and Hanwha donated 825 filled book bags that were delivered across Cleveland County to youth in need. Through the Walmart “Build A Backpack” campaign, an additional 300 students received donations of needed supplies.
The event will take place at the Don Gibson Theater on Saturday, October 26. Tickets are $30 and includes a pre-party that begins at 5:30 with food and entertainment, followed by the dance competition at 7:00. Tickets may be purchased at the Don Gibson Theater, at the box office or online. Join in the fun by voting online for your favorite couple at www.cisofclevelandco.org. All money raised will stay in Cleveland County.
Miss North Carolina, Johna Edmonds, will co-host the event. Her platform is Readers to Leaders: Promoting Literacy in America’s Youth which goes along with the Communities In Schools mission to empower students.

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