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Hospice Cleveland County's "Lighting the Way" Fundraiser is December 9

For Pam Sharts and her fellow workers at Hospice Cleveland County, the holidays are a time of memories for times past and anticipation of holidays yet to come, for them and for their many clients and patients. Sharts is Marketing, PR, & Special Events Manager for Hospice Cleveland County.

"Also, for many," Sharts noted, "memories are our way to hold on to the people we love, and the holiday season is a beautiful time to reflect on the happy times we shared with those so dear to our heart."

To that end, she said each year, Hospice Cleveland County gives individuals an opportunity to honor and remember special loved ones, friends, and even favorite pets at their annual "Lighting the Way" Fundraiser. Said Sharts, "For each contribution of $10, a luminary is placed on the Court Square in Uptown Shelby. Each luminary is labeled with the name of the individual or pet to be remembered. Special military luminaries are also available while supplies last."

Pam said this year's event will be held on Friday, Dec. 9, from 6 to 9 p.m., on the Marion Street side of the Court Square in Uptown Shelby. "A limited number of luminaries can be purchased the night of the event," she said, adding, "For more information call us at (704) 751-3486, or visit us at www.HospiceCares.cc. To purchase online visit us at www.eventbrite.com."

Sharts said also that in addition to this year's luminaries, Central United Methodist Church will be partnering with Shelby Presbyterian, First Baptist Church Shelby, and Aldersgate United Methodist Church for a special Christmas Cantata called "City of Hope" which will be performed on the Warren Street side of the Court Square starting at 7 p.m.

"Participation in events like this help Hospice Cleveland County enhance the lives of individuals and families by bringing hope, dignity, and compassion when they need it most and allow them to spend their final months wherever they call home, surrounded by their loved ones," she said.

"Hospice accepts individuals of all ages with any life-limiting illness, such as cancer, emphysema, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and debility and decline. Referrals may be made by the patient, family member, physician, minister, friend - anyone who cares," Pam said, adding that "...Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance fund most Hospice care. However, services are provided regardless of ability to pay."

Additionally, Sharts noted, "Hospice ensures that pain management, therapies, and treatments all support a plan of care that is centered on the person's goals. Hospice care also provides emotional support and advice to help family members become confident caregivers and adjust to the future with grief support for up to a year."

For over 35 years, Sharts said Hospice Cleveland County has served not only the individual experiencing a life-limiting illness, but also his or her family and loved ones.

"The needs of a family continue after the death of a loved one. Because of the individual differences in reactions to loss and death, Hospice Cleveland County offers a variety of services to the families they serve and to the community in general," said Pam, who added. "There is no charge for any of these services. Hospice appreciates all the volunteers who make these events possible."

Sharts stated that if you or someone you know would be interested in joining the Hospice Special Events Committee, please call (704) 751-3573, as they are always looking for volunteers.

More information about hospice, palliative care, and advance care planning is available at www.HospiceCares.cc, or by calling (704) 487-4677.

Please also visit their Facebook Page and YouTube Channel for videos on Hospice & Palliative Care as well as other topics.

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