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Nurse-Family Partnership Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary
Porcha Lockette (left) gave a special testimony about the program with her mentor Lauren Turner, RN, BSN by her side
On Friday, April 8th, Vice President Dotty Leatherwood of the Cleveland County Healthcare System Alliance For Health Chair, introduced Mandy Bouttamy RN, BSN, MSN. She is the director of the very successful Nurse-Family Partnership. It is a relatively new program for women having their first baby. Specially trained nurses visit the new mothers in their home throughout the pregnancy and until the baby is two years old. The free program gives guidance and direction to the new mom. It also finds ways for them to continue their education and develop job skills. Since the beginning 157 women have been enrolled and helped. The results have been beyond expectations and are providing most beneficial to both mom, child and the community.

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