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The Bzzzzz...
You will notice that some of the cucumbers did not fully develop. This is usually caused by poor pollination.
Bzzz! What is that sound? 50,000 honey bees busy making honey! This is the average number of bees in a producing hive. North Carolina is ranked among the top ten states for managed beehives with approximately 150,000 hives, contributing over $88 million yearly to the state agricultural economy through pollination of crops.  That’s a lot of bees, but not nearly enough. There has been a decline in hives over the past twenty years due to two parasitic mites, but thankfully research has developed a product to help in controlling these mites. Because of this decline, North Carolina and especially Cleveland County needs more beekeepers. 
North Carolina is the leading producer of cucumbers. Cucumbers require pollination to produce a marketable fruit as do squash, blackberries, apples and most vine fruits and vegetables. As much as we depend on the honey bees for this pollination of crops, honeybees depend on that pollen to sustain themselves.   
As a new beekeeper, I have found beekeeping to be at times very time consuming, HOT, heavy, back breaking work with little or no financial return on my investment. HOWEVER, I have also found it to be the most rewarding, relaxing, interesting, educational hobby I have had in many years.  This is a hobby that crosses all age barriers, cultural, educational and financial backgrounds. As I have recently joined the ranks as a senior citizen, I wanted a new challenge and The Cleveland County Beekeepers Association offered that alternative. They offer an educational experience with a mentor program that assists new beekeepers with any concern they may have.
If you are interested in beekeeping, please contact the Cleveland County Cooperative Extension at 704-482-4365 or better yet – Come see us at the Cleveland County Fair. The Cleveland County Beekeepers will have an observational hive set up in the old log cabin behind Goforth Hall. See you at the fair!
- Submitted by Gail Evans

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