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The Grinch comes to Pinnacle Classical Academy

In the classic cartoon Christmas feature "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" viewers learn that even without the presents, decorations and even the food, Christmas can come if we hold the spirit of the season in our hearts. Students and staff at Pinnacle Classical Academy certainly know about this lesson, and they put it into action once again this year at the school's annual "Grinch Day," which is always held in the days leading up to Pinnacle's Christmas break. This year's Grinch Day was Monday, Dec. 18, 2017.
"The students, teachers and staff look forward to this day each year," says Wendy Clary, curriculum coordinator at the Shelby charter school. "The campus looked like 'Whoville,' with students dressed like little 'Whos' like Cindy Lou Who and Max the reindeer dog, and even some dressed like the Grinch himself!"
Pinnacle teachers used the day as an engaging classroom opportunity, integrating the classic story with reading and math as well as art and science.
"But ,of course, everyone knows how the story ends," says Clary. "The Grinch's heart grows three sizes, and he comes to realize the true meaning of Christmas."
So, to commemorate the Grinch's change of heart, this year Pinnacle added a new component to their annual celebration.
"This year we added a new part to our festivities," says Clary. "We designated the day after Grinch Day as 'Give Back Day,' since the Grinch gave back everything to the 'Whos.'"
As part of "Give Back Day," on Tuesday, Dec. 19, students from grades K-2 collected items to go into care bags for residents at a local nursing home. Students at the third-to-tenth grade campus gave back by partnering with the Guardian ad Litem program in North Carolina to help feed those in need this winter. From Dec. 19, 2017, through January 20, 2018, students on that campus will be collecting plastic jars of peanut butter and jelly to contribute toward the 10,000 jar goal for North Carolina.
"It's just a fun way to celebrate and to give back at this time of year," says Clary. "And, as the holidays approach, it allows the kids to dress up and be excited while they are still learning and helping others in the process."
For more information about Pinnacle Classical Academy, visit the school's web site at www.PinnacleClassicalAcademy.com.

By April Hoyle Shauf

Special to Community First Media

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