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Showing 12 articles from August 1, 2012.


Original Mary Poppins Movie To Play Aug 9th Uptown Shelby
Original Mary Poppins Movie To Play Aug 9th Uptown Shelby
From the moment Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) floats into the Banks’ household, things are never the same. The children, Jane and Michael, are swept into magical romps across the English countryside, tea parties on the ceiling, and madcap dances over the rooftops of London.
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Bible Study: Speak Boldly
 If you are sure that God has called you to preach His word, do what the Bible says, and with no apologies.  Some say all you got to do is just believe a little and God will take care of the rest and you will go to Heaven.  Wait a minute!
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Through A  Woman’s Eyes
Through A Woman’s Eyes
Dear Ally,
Yesterday, as I sat down to write, you asked me what I was writing about and I said I was going to do an article about making lists. But, as He often does, God took me in a different direction and what I’ve ended up with is not an article about lists, but a list. For you.
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Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Aug.2nd
Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Aug.2nd
Deer give us a great example of how patterns change according to ones needs. Right now, in many parts of the country, we are seeing a changing pattern.
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Church News

Area Church News August 2nd Edition
Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, Lawndale
  Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Road, Lawndale, NC will hold their  Prayer Time on Monday nights 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Anyone with a prayer need is welcome to come.  You may also call if you have prayer requests or questions. 704-538-9200
Crossway Baptist Church, Mooresboro
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Neighborhood Calendar

Neighborhood Calendar August 2nd edition
    Parkinson Support Group, Neal Sr. Center
   A Parkinson Support Group Meeting will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Neal Sr. Center, 100 Harris Dr., Shelby. Sgl. Doug Murphy 704-487-8822.
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ELLIOTT FAMILY FARMS... Clear Mountain View Music Festival August 23rd-25th
ELLIOTT FAMILY FARMS... Clear Mountain View Music Festival August 23rd-25th
As the anticipation builds for the Inaugural Clear Mountain View Music Festival, we are going to devote each of the coming week’s articles in the Shelby Shopper to spotlighting the many different artists, events, and farming heritage that will be on display later this month at Elliott Farms.
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Carolina Music Productions 080212

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Church Directory

Mushroom Growing Wild
Mushroom Growing Wild
Becky Street Ledford of Shelby, says this mushroom grew in her flower garden. It measures about 12” in diameter.
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New Exhibits at Cleveland County Memorial Library
The Cleveland County Memorial Library would like to invite you to a new exhibit.
In observance of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War (1861-1865), the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources (www.ncculture.com) has organized the Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory:  Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit to travel the state from April 1, 2011 through spring 2013 as part of its commemoration (www.nccivilwar150.com).
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The Master's House Celebrates 7th Anniversary
Executive Director of The Master's House, David Piercy, welcomes everyone to the 7th Anniversary Celebration.
The Master's House Celebrates 7th Anniversary
The Master’s House 7th anniversary celebration opened with a resounding rendition of  "Amazing Grace",  led by Love Baptist Church Assistant Pastor Michael Lindsey. It was a most appropriate selection.
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Cleveland Rutherford Kidney Association Activities
Cleveland Rutherford Kidney Association, 1017 N. Washington Street, Shelby, will hold the following events:
  Third Annual Art Show, July 27-August 18 at Cleveland Mall. Hours are Friday and Saturday: 10AM - 9PM, Sunday: 1 PM - 6 PM.
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